The Best Tuesday Of The Year!

Shrove Tuesday, pancake day, the day before lent…whatever you call it, it is undeniably one of the best days of the year! Any day that devotes itself to the celebration of pancakes is a great day for mankind!

To the Christian world Shrove Tuesday heralds the beginning of Lent: when we traditionally give up something we love/a vice so we remember how Jesus suffered wandering alone in a Desert….OR we remember how heavenly chocolate/alcohol/coffee is after a leave of absence.


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A Moment on the Lips..

A lifetime on the hips…or so the old saying goes. The month of January is one of detoxes, numerous Facebook statuses proclaiming “its a new year and a new me ❤ xoxo” and enthusiastic new gym goers. However January also takes place during the depths of winter and we are up to our waists at this moment in time! The UK is experiencing a rather nippy weather front and many people are contending with ice, frost and indeed SNOW! In this public service announcement, I beg of you to stay inside, have a cup of tea, watch telly and eat some brownies.

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Its the most wonderful time of the year

OR is it?!

Working in retail I get to experience the magical festivities of Christmas from mid October! Which does get rather tedious by December 25th! There are only so many times a girl can listen to Fairytale of New York before she goes crazy! Only so many obnoxious brats one can put up with demanding the earth when it comes to presents. Only so many mince pies one can consume before feeling sick. And don’t even get me started on the way the public treat us poor shop workers…please remember that we ARE people too!

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Adopt me and i’ll make you pudding

If anybody knows me, they will tell you that I have a passion for puddings. I do not discriminate, I love all forms of dessert equally, as does my celebrity father Gregg Wallace off of Masterchef. For this years’ Children In Need, (I am not a child, I am however in need) people should try to get Gregg Wallace to adopt me so that I can basically eat food, puddings in particular for a living when I join him and John on the judging panel on Masterchef. Hopefully a nepotism lawsuit will not follow. I doubt the BBC want another scandal on their hands.

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So we haven’t blogged for a while…

So I thought I’d spend some time to update our non-existant readers of this blog about us…Basically its a place where Felicity and myself (Hannah) can express our really deep and meaningful thoughts for your virtual delectations! We like fashion, food, geekery, travel and other things your typical 21 year old graduates enjoy such as drinking and watching youtube videos instead of doing anything of note (We particularly enjoy Gabriella Ellis off of Made in Chelsea videos! The Pro-Activ one is just classic!) I will try and blog on a regular basis…and we hope you enjoy our musings on daily life and our obviously profound take on life!