I need a man to keep me warm this winter…

No. No you don’t, go and buy a jumper!

The onset of cold wintery weather has brought about a plethora of extremely annoying facebook statuses and tweets regarding the aforementioned declaration. The eternal moans of these dithering singletons both erks and annoys me. I cannot go a day on a social networking site without stumbling upon some girl posting about her want/need for a man to keep her warm.

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Its the most wonderful time of the year

OR is it?!

Working in retail I get to experience the magical festivities of Christmas from mid October! Which does get rather tedious by December 25th! There are only so many times a girl can listen to Fairytale of New York before she goes crazy! Only so many obnoxious brats one can put up with demanding the earth when it comes to presents. Only so many mince pies one can consume before feeling sick. And don’t even get me started on the way the public treat us poor shop workers…please remember that we ARE people too!

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Whack out your geek credentials!

Bonjour my lovelies! I just had an incredible geeky fangirl ten minutes as I rediscovered my Tumblr account…I definitely have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter, baking, Tom Hiddleston, Marvel Superheroes and reading. I am in many ways a geek…I do NOT shy away from this title, I embrace it with open arms. I enjoy many aspects of geekery, including wearing my obligitory prescription glasses and wearing ironic novelty knitwear. I have been known to turn down a night out in order to watch Frozen Planet on BBC HD…David Attenborough was a bigger pull than 241 cocktails! I cried when I finished reading the final Harry Potter book…and I cried watching the final film! I just thought i’d let you all know just how much of a geek I am, just to justify and also illustrate why I am the geek in mine and F’s partnership!